
Stowe away knitting pattern for Nomadic Knits a creative knitting magazine

An Ease-y Blog

The terms positive ease, negative ease, and no ease are frequently found in knitting patterns, and can be a hard concept to wrap your head around.  Many of you may…
A pile of beautiful yarn in Nomadic Knits creative knitting magazine

Stash Love Stories

A few days ago, I talked about giving ourselves permission to feel all of our feelings. Sad, angry, scared, done, over it all, depressed, anxious… Does anyone else feel like…
White woman with a blond braid wearing a grey hat with pink and purple Fair Isle and a purple pom pom


The issue five : vermont KAL officially kicks off TODAY! Why didn’t you announce it sooner?! you’re probably asking us right now. Well, guys, the truth is that we had…